Looking to buy a rMBP - need advices PLEASE :)

hi everyone, sorry again "need before buying" post.

i'm looking buy mbp movie production : data transfer (footage usb3 tb2 drives/usb3 drives).
, maybe playback of large 4k video files.

looking @ few options :

first of missed chance , saw rmbp 15inch 2.4ghz(ish) 1900 (canadian) , didn't order it.

i've got eyes on either rmbp 2.7 geforce 650m (june 2012) 2400$ or brand new 1 maybe 2.5ghz 2200$.

advices on these models? iris pro gpu enough? 2.2ghz enough tasks?

soooo much!!

the iris pro enough heavy 3d graphics work, gaming.

i'd cpu , ram important factors movie production. bear in mind current macbook pros faster equivalent 2012 models, despite lower clock speeds. it's best compare benchmarks better idea of comparative performance.

also, don't forget storage faster in 2013/2014 models!

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