Apple Reportedly Has Small Team Working on Augmented Reality Projects


piper jaffray analyst gene munster claims in note investors apple has small team working in , exploring augmented reality field. munster believes while augmented reality still decade away broader consumer adoption, apple preparing next evolution in computing , able offer fashionable wearables people want wear.
google glass perhaps notable example of wearable that, while revolutionary in many aspects, created uncomfortable situations wearing device in public. glass explorer edition quick banned several public establishments, including movie theaters, casinos, restaurants, hospitals, sports venues, schools, banks , more due ability discreetly take photos , record videos.

munster remains skeptical whether apple's focus on augmented reality result in future product, common company research , develop new products , technologies never released public. munster has less impressive track record @ divulging apple's upcoming plans, predictions should treated proverbial grain of salt.

apple began allowing developers release augmented reality apps on app store 6 years ago, such google's mystery game ingress. apple began exploring augmented reality maps in 2011, corroborated march 2014 report claiming iphone maker still plans add augmented reality features maps. based on munster's comments, apple appears remain interested in field.

article link: apple reportedly has small team working on augmented reality projects

to enable people live in reality apple watch worth buying.

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