Logic board replaced 2x on early 2011 15" MBP, still has graphics issues?

have 15'' 2011 mbp. has had many graphics issues , extreme slowness since november, few months out of extended apple care. apple care extremely generous in covering $550 logic board replacement never had issues mbp in 3 years prior(never used apple care). local store replaced , after day, graphics card failed again! took , sent apple care's hq in texas , both logic board , ram replaced. got , runs slower ever , still has many graphics issues. unusable @ point. student on tight budget , hoping computer last me lot longer 3 years considering costs on $2000+. extremely frustrated @ point, having gone apple store on 10 times, , being behind on school assignments. want solved. i've read many 2011 mbp's have had failed graphics card apple has refused acknowledge this. there other reason having these issues? 1 tech told me may software.

apple has repair programme. send (again) , fixed; won't cost anything.

they're using fixed boards time around, although there isn't enough information yet sure.

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