How do you earn move calories?

i willing adjust new goal of tracking "move calories" i'm used tracking steps. don't know how go earning move calories (the term seems strange guess that's is). not huge exerciser walk , start going trainer next week. walked 40 minutes today , tracked in workout app. see burned calories don't know if doing correctly. few questions:

- tracking move calories when workout workout app?
- know how fast i'm walking , burn more calories if walk faster? in case, set workout on minutes (40 minutes) have walked fast or slow. know?
- if i'm working out (say riding bike) , forget create workout in app, credit burning calories?
- if tracks (not when in workout) consider moving? standing up? walking? waving arm around??

accept method more efficient counting steps (5,000 slow steps isn't same 5,000 fast steps they're treated same on fitbit) @ least understand steps. :)

1 other question, think clicked fast when set because gave me low move goal (like 700). know can adjust (i adjusted 1800 fitbit goal) how recalculate using watch? changed weight pound see if adjusted didn't.


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