Replacing hard drive in a mid-2009 MacBook Pro

hi there. macbook pro has been doing spinning beachball freezing thing while. i've wiped , reinstalled snow leopard couple of times , it's getting worse. ran disk utility , said there invalid node structure error. think hard drive on last legs.

i'm looking @ replacing drive , wondered if knew more compatibility do. computer mid-2009 macbook pro 17" core 2 duo 2.8ghz. right in thinking long replacement drive sata 2 3gb/s should work?

1 example?

yes should work fine. sata 3 drives backwards compatible though. used spinpoint mt9 1.5tb sata 3 drive in 2008 13" mbp, ran @ 3gb/s, not 6. if thinking of upgrading mac newer model time soon, may want buy faster drive. believe 2012 mbp internal speed upped, 15" 2012 mbp 6gb/s.

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