Strange Aperture System Requirements

i sat down few minutes ago attempt install copy of aperture 1.5 member fuchsdh generously gave me weeks ago(as part of lot of big lot of software gave away).

attempted install on main quicksilver, main computer photography purposes.

interestingly enough, wouldn't install, didn't meet minimum processor requirements. per install documents, need either g5 or 15/17" pb 1.25ghz or faster processor.

have appropriate video card(i'm using 9600xt, has full core image support), , think pair of 1ghz 7450s 2mb of l3/core give better performance single 7447a no l3, unless there's sort of instruction set 7447a supports qs not.

corollary that, wonder if install on my(now) dual 1.6 quicksilver, has 7447a. need put core image card of sort in it, think come with(assuming 9600 pro play nice, or @ least use pci 5200). i'm away computer @ moment, can't test , won't able until late tomorrow or monday.

guess question is-does know if there in coding of aperture prevent running on 7450, or can bypass installation checks , have work fine many of leopard.

if latter case, put quicksilver in tdm , attempt install supported powerbook. if no 1 has direct answer, i'll try doing tomorrow , see happens.

given apple's recommended specs might have difficulty using if installed:

can't think how 1.25 pb somehow parallel core duo other g4s aren't?

i'd use normal tools shoehorn in i'd interested know how runs - i've tried aperture found slow on dual g5 - use photoshop offers anyway.

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