The problem with iOS 7 and iOS 8: bad design

this recent buzz on internet, exponentially reinforced marco arment's recent article “apple has lost functional high ground”, apple has lately reduced famous attention detail may have put “it works” moto @ risk. in particular, latest ios , os x releases seen buggy. believe that not main issue, @ least ios. real issue ios 7 poorly designed (and ios 8 hasn’t changed that).

let me start saying first time saw iphone fell in love immediately. same has happened many people around world, explains huge success of iphone (and iphone smartphones).
reason ios (or original iphone os) magic. every time pressed button, scrolled list or looked @ beautiful ios screen, felt magic. magic illusion comes both great engineering , great design (and taste). passion ios such led me learn software development , create app myself, available on app store :).

well, believe magic lost in ios 7 , 8. not because of bugs due inferior experience caused weak, uninspired designed. may design quality subjective, , taste more. really? go in time , compare windows 3.1 mac os! if thinks windows better designed, rest case.

anyway sake go argument, let me pick 1 of several severe design problems in ios 7/8:

text, borderless button. in fact buttons not redesigned. removed , replaced text or chevron. these not buttons anymore, text links action. apart looking ugly (like 90’s html links) these “borderless buttons” have few other design problems.
first, not invite touch. if read apple’s development guidelines (at least ios 6), rightfully button has have minimum area of 40x40 points, because thats size of fingertip. if see smaller instinct tell that’s narrow touch it, , loose @ least of it. honestly, text not invite touch (even click more precise mouse debatable). that’s plain bad design.
second. graphically, text poses problems designed screen or app. lets have put longer usual text in button (you may not aware of that, may happen app available in non-english language countries). ios truncate or reduce it’s size. if have left button regular size text, , right button reduced size text, know happen. since there no borders or give a similar size buttons other text, buttons seem misaligned , tour screen garbage.
third, buttons confused other text in apps, if tell user text of 1 color button , of color not, that’s thinking required. , again, text of different sizes on same screen, without visual contours, looks confusing , bad.
fourth, mobile os has intuitive. if have lots of text in screen (some can tap, not), confusing, specially since apple gives same background color (usually white) toolbars , content.

1 of consider large number of design problems plague ios8/9, , i’m not professional ui designer, love hear them on this.

unfortunately go on , on…i still hope apple takes ios drawing board again , redesigns completely. loads of cash apple has, not difficult hire best designers out there , make ios jaw dropping again!! apps lake paper 53, clear, yahoo news digest. , endless list of outstanding design apps…

i've gotten used ios 7/8 , don't mind anymore, still @ , realize yes, indeed "change sake of change" thing, , unnecessary.

ios 6 feels "outdated" because haven't used in while. if ios 7 hadn't redesigned, ui wouldn't seem outdated. have tweaked , improved gradually overtime, rather taking nuclear option.

it's late complain now, still wish ios 7 redesign hadn't happened. when play older device , old interface; miss it.

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