Why won't 2 of my apps stay fullscreen after restart?

reeder (rss) mac , calendar, macbook pro core i7 running yosemite. short of full reinstall of os w/o restoring time machine, i've tried everything.

when open apps, open full screen except safari own personal preference yet when open calendar or reeder, open in windowed mode despite having them full screen when closed applications.

recreate issue, open calendar, go full screen, close application. restart calendar , it's window mode. i've reinstalled entire os , restored time machine, disk permissions , reinstalled reeder scratch. issues persist.

running 10.10.2 w/o visual customizations / hacks.


i thought default apps not open fullscreen until choose option, since 'take over' screen. so, example, calendar, when reopen after fullscreen, reverts it's usual size (and not fullscreen)...

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