macbook pro retina vs non retina laptop for cs6 InDesign

i bought 2013 retina macbook pro 15 inch, , planning on selling mid 2010 non retina macbook pro 15 inch matt screen.

however, upon opening adobe indesign cs6 on retina, text blurry, looks bad. read adobe not offer update indesign retina screens, left blurry text. managed update other cs6 design premium apps, except indesign , acrobat pro. indesign has gone cc retina support. dont being forced subscribe.

undecided, should keep older non retina macbook pro indesign ok? going try sell on ebay money retina macbook pro.

know of workarounds cs6 indesign ok on retina?

what kind of mode use retina screen? @ "best retina" setting text awful. if use 1680x1050 or 1920x1200 screen mode, better anyway because more screen space, blur becomes less noticeable normal viewing distance.

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