Stripping a Professor of Tenure Over a Blog Post

consider professor mcadams post ill-considered. same, think marquette university response bizarre:

how can ever write anything, if responsible not wrote, but, else might anonymously respond? freedom.

there's lot more meets eye. drill down bare nuts , bolts.

topic of gay marriage comes in discussion during philosophy class. teacher, mrs. abbate, challenges student disagrees assertions made during class come speak afterwards.

1 student steps forward, , makes point alongside misguided one. teacher records conversation, intentions of "showing his/her superiors".

argue student wrong his/her opinion, mrs. abbate did rather petty in , of itself. bating students disagree option speaking mind in order "mark" them, speak. though, it's beside point.

mr. mcadams comes across conversation, , decides post transcript of on blog, without redacting name of teacher involved. isn't had opinion on did, called out name in public forum, drew lot of negative attention towards her. bit of faux pas there.

if isolated incident, i'd stripping teacher of tenure, , firing him way overkill, and, said, set dangerous precedent. it'd deserving of public apology, , chewing out, nothing more long remains isolated incident.

...which apparently wasn't. according mrs. abbates, usual tactic of his. according her, fired not 1 blog post, repeated incidences. these words, , there's no other proof of beyond, muddy waters bit.

1 thing gather lot of intelligent people should know better being ridiculously petty across board.

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