Odd Airport Express Behavior

issue began when upgraded yosemite on mac mini.

have airport express connected via ethernet in part of house. serves wifi point, connects stereo system via digital connection. of music on mini & play via itunes, controlled remote app on phone.

issue i'm having pretty odd. @ least me. can select airport express in itunes , play music thru day long, long monitor that's connected mini (via hdmi) turned on. turn monitor off, connection drops. when turn monitor on, have reconnect airport express in itunes. once reconnected works fine. can close itunes & reopen it, play music, stop music day , it's still connected & working fine. when turn monitor off again, no connection.

don't want have monitor (really 42" tv) on in part of house, while listening music. idea what's going on here?


an update:

if select airport express in system preferences -> sound, can turn monitor off , have music stay on in other room, there's no sound out of tv. in past, i've been able choose hdmi in sound , able have sound express @ stereo , sound @ tv when turn on. looks i'll have switch & forth, depending on i'm doing. kind of pain in butt.

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