Levels vs Curves vs Sliders

i'm curious, tools guys go first or correct image either under-exposed or lacking contrast...

1. levels? (which histogram style tool in aperture , c1 - sliders blacks , whites in lr)

2. curves? (another histogram style tool)

3. exposure sliders? (exposure, contrast, highlights , shadows)


have admit found wrestling curves bit of challenge. difficult results. , honest, don't think ever used levels either. tendency adjust normal exposure sliders.

have been missing out?

i tend go curves adjustment layer. find gives ultimate control in single tool. find exposure sliders decent when importing raw file. dislike can't move midpoint of contrast. can't move white , black points. , can't tone image can rgb curves.

find important part of working curve adjustment control adjustment opacity. curves control aren't precise, make window big , consider lowering opacity pleasing result. also, don't shy away using multiple curves on top of each other instead of trying in one.

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