Harry Reid shrugs off baseless Romney comments from 2012

i think reasonable people knew lying in leadup 2012 election... here quick recap.

in late summer of 2012, reid began saying had "sources" told him romney hadn't paid taxes 10 years. told reporters , on senate floor.

never produced evidence, , put burden of proof on romney show did. (to fault, romney didn't release more 1 or 2 years of tax returns).

flash forward week, cnn interviewed reid , asked romney tax remarks. said, "i don't regret @ all...he didn't win, did he?"

now, obama campaign ran "no taxes" bit , ran in few ads , became firestorm.

don't think cost romney election - that's not want at.

(and while conservative, in no way think rs squeaky clean , telling truth.)

issue high-ranking politician (left, right or otherwise) blatantly lied - on senate floor no less. , then, shakes off end justifies need. makes blood boil.

next? tan cry baby stand , hiliary used run dog fighting ring?? then, cruz stands , says god told him xyz candidate picks his/her nose , eats it!?

lack of civility in politics kills me. (and has been time) side = good; side = bad. doesn't matter has happen long team wins.


sorry, know has been going on years , years, , i'm sure think rs started it, , may think ls started it. frankly, both it. hate it.


irony, loves it.

did reid admit lying?

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