2012 rMBP battery dies at ~30%

i have june 2012 retina macbook pro has been randomly dying on me recently. it's starting become more frequent. doing on computer , go black screen. press power button, nothing happens. press/hold again , dead battery logo shows on screen. plug in, power up, , there's 30%+ battery left...

normal? i'm assuming needs new battery? it's apple product, assume battery cost $300+ , can replaced apple employee. advice? thanks.

hi. not apple hardware expert. have checked see if mac charging when plug in? in, green/amber light on charger , icon shows in menu bar shows laptop charging?
laptop battery $129 if recall, , apple sell , install you. laptop had battery problem (2012 macbook air) , apple replaced in 2 hours free (apple care). laptop battery $129 without apple care. i'd take in apple store , see say.
buy battery , replace if you're adventurous, wouldn't bother. $129 apple you, including battery price.

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