Changing column size of splitviewcontroller ?

the split view controller has 2 column layout master column on left , detail on right. want able set width of columns.

came across solution in stack overflow. works not respond numbers on 410 means can't make split 50/50. ideas why limiting me , how around it?

edit: ipad project not iphone

from stack overflow

in ios 8.0 can doing following:  in mastersplitviewcontroller.h add  @property(nonatomic, assign) cgfloat maximumprimarycolumnwidth ns_available_ios(8_0);  in mastersplitviewcontroller.m viewdidload method add  self.maximumprimarycolumnwidth = 100; self.splitviewcontroller.maximumprimarycolumnwidth = self.maximumprimarycolumnwidth;  good, simple , easy feature of ios 8.

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