Mac OS X reinstall

dear reader,
i've been searching long , decided ask question myself :)
mac has been running bit slow lately , random crashes, searched solution , thing found reinstall os x.
(i have ssd, nothing upgrade on side)
have working bootcamp partition on ssd , thats im bit scared, how can reinstall os x , still keep windows, , how should reinstall os x? should go option menu when start mac or should reinstall os x installation program? , can restore time machine once os x freshly installed or backup start problems again , smarter reinstall apps etc? , need reconfigure bootcamp or automaticaly find second partition?


instead if reinstall run free application etrecheck , run it. point out incompatible apps, plugins slow down os x. in report highlight unloaded plugins, incompatible, , location pointed out manually delete them.

after throwing incompatible in teash, reboot immeadiatly. reboot not load them again , safe empty trash @ point.

trust me hurt lot less wipe/reinstall , speed mac up.

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