Flickering and search term 'deleting' problem in Safari

the past couple of weeks have been getting strange intermittent problem in safari. go google enter search, , when start type in whatever i'm looking for, screen starts flicker. allow me type couple of letters, once past, say, 7-8 characters, automatically 'delete' new characters type while screen flickers, , can never search term longer original first couple of letters/numbers. have noticed more strange display issues webpage not centered , part of screen turns black strange lines of different colors, sort of tv 'snow' in colors, if makes sense. guessing issues related since have flickering in common , seem have started happening around same time.

running 2012 classic macbook pro-very little problems whole time i've owned it. restored time machine save yosemite 10.10.1 since 10.10.2 caused issues wifi taking forever reconnect every time screen went sleep, incredibly annoying.

have ideas? pretty use safari exclusively, don't know if same thing happen in firefox or other browser. seems happens on google, think remember occurring on amazon or ebay also. reload of webpage correct problem, not always. have close whole tab , open new 1 rid of issue. if had guess, happens 5 - 10% of time go google, , seems come in bunches happen lot back , not happen long time.

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