Backup Plan needed urgently

hi there, bought mac osx after 2 pc laptops died in quick succession. mac has 251gb flash storage, use portable 2tb seagate drive (formatted fat32 work on both college mac's , pc @ home) store lightroom catalogue , photos, photoshop files, , premier pro projects , movies, documents , research dissertation. before pc's died bought 3tb seagate desktop drive (formatted exfat fat32 limited 2tb), , saved off them in nick of time. when both pc's did die, used drag , drop transfer on 3tb portable 2tb well, meant few months ago duplicated on 3tb , 2tb drives. in past 3 months i've done quite bit of work on 2tb drive use work between college mac's , @ home on own mac. if 2tb did die anytime i'd in trouble.

can me figure out backup plan can backup 2tb 3tb regularly; because since nothing saved on mac @ home, believe means time machine useless, yes? tutor in college recommended chronosynch, reading reviews seems operations simple in other programs quite complicated here.

there way can tell backup application leave on 3tb drive, , backup new on 2tb drive? or need start freshly formatted drive before program can make it's first backup?

sorry novel. appreciated.

[edit: i'm looking recommendations cloud storage, in case of worst case scenario, eg: fire/theft/accident. again, tutor recommended crashplan, , opinions on this. i've considered google's nearline cloud storage. ideally need cloud storage backup recent files either 3tb or 2tb depending on recent.]

i'll start crashplan - me has been great. have family plan backs our computers brother's pc (i can't trust himself). works transparently in background. have 5 computers on 2tb of data backed on servers. plan wasn't cheap - $400+ 4 year subscription cheaper bunch of drives , hassle of dealing own off-site plan. think single computer plan $50 per year. need internet connection.

best backup 1 don't have mess with. that's why use time machine. need hfs formatted drive use it. suggestion use 2tb drive archive , stuff large fit on ssd in mac. setup 3tb drive time machine backup covers both internal , external drive. @ point consider large external drive , rotate between 2 time machine drives redundancy.

time machine backups stupid user tricks accidentally delete wrong files or overwrite them. crashplan backup major disasters house burning down or our equipment getting stolen.

university offer storage students? alma mater provides modest amount of storage students can work device on campus. son's school offered similar. great projects in progress.

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