Airport Extreme won't extend

what's happened @ apple? why don't simple things work anymore?

so, long story short, have new style time capsule decided make primary router rather use backup device capabilities , wanting extend wifi @ far side of house ae. both devices running same version (7.7.3). tc set , working fine, both wireless , ethernet connections fine, devices can talk each other , internet. @ point, have working wifi.

plug in ae, (ae hard cabled on cat6 tc) select extend network, select name of network join drop down, type in password etc , ae joins tc no issues. again @ stage fine. can talk internet either wirelessly or via cable.

within 5-6mins of connection being made, internet speed start decline , both tc , ae start flash yellow , connections lost. wireless go offline (i.e. mac/phone/atv/ipad - anything) cant see wireless signal anymore , nothing works. i've tried pre-selecting 5ghz channel, i'm not wanting split 2.4 , 5ghz 2 ssids, tried that, still too, zip. same problem. ive tried both dhcp ip , static on ae, still same. guest network disabled on both devices it's not common issue. nat port mapping on/off no differences.

can ae work totally fine , stable if it's put bridge mode , has own separate wifi name - pointless , not want (this had before , why bought ae start with).

i've reset ae dozen times, don't want reset tc destroy backups. else before return , give in...??

op wrote above:
[[ can ae work totally fine , stable if it's put bridge mode , has own separate wifi name - pointless , not want (this had before , why bought ae start with) ]]

go works you.
if "what works" different expecting work.

in case, set apex in bridge mode create new wireless network.

-- designate have transmission channels different set on time capsule. not want signals tc , apex interfering each other.

wireless devices should connect strongest signal available, depending on they're located @ moment.

use free utility called 'istumbler" ascertain channels available. don't want use channels being used other wireless transmitters near yours (i.e., outside house).

freely admit not being wireless expert -- perhaps others step discussion , show me i've erred.

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