Help my 07 MBP limp along another ~8 months

my wife has 2007 core 2 duo mbp (15") running 10.10. work on computer , embarrassingly slow, finish grad school in may , have job lined up...but don't anticipate being able afford new computer until august or so. isn't running original hd, 1 in there @ least 4 years old. i've been doing research on can make little faster , less frustrating use , came replacing hd , *maybe* being able upgrade ram.

1. looking @ drive - wife pretty keeping drive relatively clean , have nas - 1tb plenty. temporary fix remember, , on super tight budget right now.

2. ram @ 4gb (2x2gb) - feel i've seen somewhere computer recognize conformation of ram allowing 6 gb total...can confirm true or false? if miracle true...where can right chips?

3. assuming can make computer last little longer, waiting on skylake best best longevity? mean aug/sept. seems time should showing in rmbps - if have wait until oct. seems logical thing do.

in advance.

overall, upgrading ssd drive breath new life computer nothing else.

did same 08 mbp while waiting pick mid-2012 mbp.

prices low, payback high. there easy follow procedures on net, , here too.

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