Photos: consolidating multiple iPhoto & Photos libraries?

i've got several iphotos libraries (cumulative ~300gb).
started new photos app on os x fresh new library icloud enabled (yup, gonna have pay that). photos gathered photo stream pictures it.
opened couple iphotos libraries separately (option -> photos) , converted those, remain separate photos libraries.
file -> import won't let me select iphoto nor photos libraries. clicking button "review import" (where you'd expect final import button be) complains "nothing import / none of these files can imported photos library".
file -> consolidate unavailable (gray). if select one/all pictures, becomes available (black), complains "no referenced files consolidate / selected items stored in library." if switch photos library (option -> photos), same behavior.
if switch library (option -> photos) , photos -> preferences, icloud tab says "icloud features photos available in system photo library" (that's fine, i'm trying _move_ these photos _to_ system photo library". general tab has "use system photo library" button, terrifyingly complains "switching system photo library turn off icloud photo library. / photos , videos have not been downloaded removed mac. turn on icloud photo library new system photo library in preferences." cancel / ok buttons. photos in disparate libraries (existing precisely because of space reasons under iphoto) transferred single master photos library?


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