Couple of user account questions

i bought macbook pro off craigslist awhile guy couldn't load os to. came 160gb regular platter hd, said nothing on it. had hard time finding image file install on computer. ended finding guy on craigslist selling ssds , put yosemite on me. after that, macbook brought life , gained little performance ssd. told me how download whatever os needed/wanted whatever media like.
ended making sd has yosemite on it, in case ever need again.

flash forward , found a1278 2010 mbp pretty free, guy said hd went bad , didn't fix it. got hard drive came mbp #1 , installed yosemite drive via sd card. low , behold hd has apple files on it, because when booted computer #2 has user named "ceo" of have no idea password is.

how can erase hd , start fresh? looking in properties , couldn't find wipe clean. tried manually delete folders within hd, nothing happened. i'm going give 1 buddy, want fresh install has create own user info etc.

let me know if doesn't make sense.

have hd wasn't mine , want wipe clean , install yosemite it.

put in yosemite sd card, boot , use disk utility erase hard drive (possibly secure erase). can install yosemite scratch if wish.

or connect hard drive externally mac, , use disk utility within os x same.

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