Picked up an iMac G4 today!

i going day, running errands, , checking things off of to-do list have been neglecting past few days. checked twitter , had friend (who knows addicted powerpc macs) suggest stop specific pawn shop, had few imac g4 models out , sale. stopped by, saw dirty (very beat up) 15" 700mhz model going $30 , clean , in shape 17" 1ghz, 1gb ram, 250gb hdd model going $50. after making sure imac powered on , works properly, purchased , brought home. spent 30 minutes cleaning soapy water (being careful of course) , magic eraser. of marks , dirty spots came right off. still need little bit more cleaning it's enough now. after cleaned it, installed airport extreme card, wiped hdd, re installed leopard, , installed few "essential" applications. i've had 700mhz 15" imac g4 number of years, , although love death, i've longed 17" or 20" imac g4. wasn't going pay ebay prices 1 of these i'm glad found 1 price in town!

here's crappy pictures. :d

attached files:

very nice! enjoy. great find deals on classic machines one.


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