U.S. ITC to Investigate Apple After Ericsson Patent Infringement Claims


the ongoing conflict between apple , ericsson escalated afternoon united states international trade commission (itc) agreed launch investigation claims apple infringed on many 41 of ericsson's cellular technology patents ipad , iphone devices, reports pcworld.

apple , ericsson first clashed in january, after expiration of 2008 licensing agreement between 2 companies. despite 2 years of negotiations, companies failed establish new agreement let apple use ericsson's cellular technology patents.

apple filed complaint suggesting ericsson both demanding excessive royalties lte patents , wrongly claiming patents essential lte wireless communication standard. ericsson responded own complaint, asking court determine whether licensing fees fair.

ericsson's cellular technology patents considered essential , subject fair, reasonable, , non-discriminatory terms (frand). according ericsson, licensing deal offered apple (estimated between $250 million , $750 million annually) reasonable, apple disagreed.

in february, ericsson went on file seven new lawsuits against apple , 2 complaints u.s. itc in effort prevent apple selling products in u.s., led today's itc investigation. companies file complaints in district court , itc simultaneously itc moves faster , has ability block products being sold in united states. looming threat of product ban can accelerate licensing negotiations.

should international trade commission's investigation find apple infringed on ericsson's patents, potentially lead exclusion order preventing infringing products being sold in united states until dispute resolved.

article link: u.s. itc investigate apple after ericsson patent infringement claims

if ain't google, it's else.

apple's not innocent either. need serious tech patent reform.

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