blank HD after reformatting and "All My Files" folder is full of junk???

sorry if newbie question hope presents enough challenge guys..
came apple store after erasing hard drive (i have backed-up on external drive). did not transfer computer yet, downloading basics clouds software , resetting mail account etc.
pretty surprise when in finer, clicked on file: "all files" , full of stuff, lots of old bits , bobs , strange icons , bits of screen shots.. sorts of junk , lots of it.
weird consider blanked drive....
happened here?...
these files coming from?
how rid of them? want rid of them in "traditional" way of - drag trash?
take space on disk? know short answer yes! copies or thumbnails or whatever..
disk cleaned than?
, direction appreciated. want blank canvas!
many thanks.

something went wrong. reinstall osx start clean slate. never heard of wipe , reinstall leaving junk.

dates on files? if older date osx reinstalled apple might have left behind.

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