filming has progressed on upcoming steve jobs movie starring michael fassbender, , few weeks ago, film crews were spotted @ san francisco opera house. of yesterday, hundreds of extras hired take part in scene , few photos leaked, giving details on what's being filmed @ location.
scene being filmed in opera house appears 1988 unveiling of next computer, first computer developed steve jobs after left apple. movie prop poster hung on 1 of walls in opera house depicts michael fassbender jobs, posing next computer, referred "the cube" due shape.
in 1988, unveiling of next computer took place @ louise m. davies symphony hall in san francisco, located across street opera house. not clear why filming taking place @ opera hall, scenes filmed @ symphony hall, according reports. filming in area continue until april.
steve jobs' next event huge gala , marked first time jobs had appeared in public in many years. descriptions of event called showy affair "all subtlety of hollywood premiere." jobs himself described working crowd "like entertainer."
in addition being spotted in promotional poster, fassbender had photo snapped outside opera hall fan, still dressed in steve jobs garb. @ time, jobs favored simple white button down shirt , dress pants, fassbender wears in image.
image via instagram user raqu31
the steve jobs movie starring michael fassbender jobs , seth rogen wozniak penned aaron sorkin , being directed danny boyle. jeff daniels, kate winslet, , katherine waterston have roles in film. movie set released in theaters on friday, october 9, 2015.
article link: michael fassbender depicted steve jobs in new movie set poster
not sure how looks remotely steve jobs... if plays part well, guess doesn't matter. shall see!
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