Need help with C project

hi ,
tried several time unable write code . plz me.... here problem

want program in c language using file handling concept read input p.txt file actual effort , estimated error written of 5 projects
project id actual effort (ae) estimated effort (ee)
a 2580 1507
b 3045 1325
c 3693 1661
d 1205 1072
e 3501 3231
calculate value of mre , mer each individual project , using obtained value of mmre , mmer calculate mmre, mmer, mse, mmse , pred(x) each value of x x= 15,20,55,60 using formulas given below-
mre = (ae - ee)/ae , ae-ee within mode
mer = (ae-ee)/ee , ae-ee within mode

remaining formulas written in attached file

• pred (x): pred (x) percentage of projects estimated value falls within x %.

where, n = total number of projects
x = selected range of maximum mmre
k = number projects in set of n projects mmre <= x

plz reply asap ..i need urgently

attached files:

no, we're not going homework assignment you.

instead post code got , tell getting stuck or ask concepts don't understand.

try break problem sequential parts , check print statements or debugger each command sets variables expected value , functions return supposed to.

pay attention compiler warnings error values/codes returned functions when program run.

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