28 yr PC veteran switching to MAC! Have questions, please help!


i've windows pc guy 28 years i'm little nervous jumping mac world. i've been using iphone's & ipad's since release , love apple products, have (computer/iphone/ipad) work seamlessly. family owns iphones & ipads, i've never touched or used mac computer. wife purchasing mac air replace laptop pc. consider myself of expert pc user , have specific way have things setup , i'd try , keep of moving mac world.

use utorrent download of shows , use plex server , plex home theater view tv shows & movies, use jriver play music. have checked , programs available mac users. considering purchasing mid range mac mini 2014 , airport extreme or airport time capsule. dilemma is, i've done lots of digging around site , internet , have had many questions answered except cannot decide on these questions.

mac mini 2.6ghz:
should go 256gb pcie or 1 tb option. own several ssd drives, 4 of pc's have have ssd drives never bare go mechanical hdd os. know can replace 1 tb ssd void warranty , i'm fuzzy on whether straight plug , play ssd think needs connected via other way internally. i've read pcie ssd faster sata ssd, how fast don't know , notice significant difference in speed between pcei vs sata?

airport extreme or time capsule:
understand function of time capsule in complete control of gets backed , it's done manually can pain in rear. automation of time capsule can use remaining space (2tb) store tv shows , movies stream time capsule using plex server on mac mini? condense data under 2 tb 3 tb tim capsule out of price range. it's important me i'm able use plex server on mac mini other devices in house can access content. cheaper use extreme external hdd, own 3x 3.5 hhd. have 4 bay enclosure usb 3.0 don't know if connect airport extreme , read 4 drives? don't need space i've condensed things down. know need @ least 2-3 tb of storage hold tv shows, music, , movies. ext hdd connected via airport extreme transfer fast time capsule internal hdd?

forgot mention if mac mini 256gb pcie wouldn't require 256gb of 2 tb , use remaining space tv shows , movies?

in advance help! :apple:

changing hdd not void warranty.


there noticeable difference pcie, not described usage.
in fact if using mini streaming , downloading, regular hdd work fine.

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