Can you rip our app to pieces, please?

our app newborn fresh out of digital womb , taking first breaths in appstore, , dying *merciless* critique. have asked our friends , of course awfully nice , not helpful. need hear negative feedback change. secretly wishing tell fellow app developer how we've screwed pretty our ibaby? :) please, don't hold back!

quick description of app per fhall1's suggestion: it's voice-based conversation platform talking other users in time zone. testing few concepts have better idea of how users choose use our app, our original idea tap toastmasters niche , people enjoy intelligent conversations , practice public speaking skills, 1 listener @ time. take privacy seriously, not asked sign in using other social networks facebook or provide information other phone number, , our user profiles don't have user pictures (to make sure not misidentified "meat market" type of app casual hookups). while our current app store description suggestive of dating/matching, testing out different messages , our next 1 going focus on conversations like-minded people.!club/id954897334?ls=1&mt=8

first, should have let people know in original post app - instead of making people click link.

don't know, it's "meetup" app people seeking partner "whatever" (you can imagine it's for).

think that's going limit feedback you'll here.

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