New iOS 8.3 Features: Speaker Calls With Siri, No Password Required to Download Free Apps


recent ios 8.3 beta seeded developers on march 12, though been in hands of testers on week, people still discovering hidden features. on weekend, 2 new ios 8.3 features found, including update siri , update app purchase settings.

ios 8.3 beta 3 installed, users can ask siri make phone calls using iphone's speaker. if ask siri "call [name] on speaker," call made via speakerphone, enhancing siri's hands-free capabilities. if make same request in ios 8.2, siri ignores "on speaker" part , places call normal.

the new feature makes possible activate siri while plugged in saying "hey siri" , make phone call, without needing touch phone or put on headset hands-free operation.

in settings menu of ios device running ios 8.3 beta 3, there's new option under itunes & app store labeled "password settings." in section, there option change password settings purchases , in-app purchases, choosing options either "always require" password when making purchase, or "require after 15 minutes."

"always require" , "require after 15 minutes" not new settings -- options have been located within restrictions section of settings app -- user required select 1 in order access new password toggle setting, lets users toggle password requirement free apps on , off. when toggled on, downloads labeled "get" in app store not require password.

apple's new password settings not functional right now, returning "cannot connect itunes store" message when tapped, it's made available in later beta ahead of update's public release. password settings menu can found under general --> restrictions.

in addition newly discovered features listed above, ios 8.3 adds quite bit of new functionality apple's mobile operating system. earlier betas have introduced wireless carplay feature , several emoji changes, new emoji picker, diversified emoji skin tone modifiers, new flags, , new icons watch, phone, , computer emoji, resemble apple watch, iphone, , imac. notably, keyboard spacing has been changed prevent users hitting period key when meant hit space key when searching in safari.

there's support google two-factor authentication when adding google accounts on ios, apple pay support china unionpay, new siri languages, filtering options messages, , more. we've been keeping complete list of ios 8.3 changes in our ios 8 features roundup.

article link: new ios 8.3 features: speaker calls siri, no password required download free apps

i no password download free apps. glad coming.

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