All these threads of useless garbage is..

going make head explode. holy cow!!!!!! log in , see them dumber , dumber days go by.

- try on experiences
- omg how come still processing though last 50 apple orders have made same thing when in shipping.
- think or band men or women
-which 1 did think should (like matters since personal product apple has ever made)

list goes on , on of worthless threads of same garbage. people relax 400$ watch. understand hype around new iphone cmon apple watch gimmicky....a toy @ best show off. there not 1 single thing apple watch besides heart rate monitor (big whoop) 6 plus doesn't. admit when tried on felt high quality , seemed liked nice piece have on wrist can @ time...but trade offs? uhhhh charge every night? thats big trade off considering charge phone, macbook, , ipad.

write on mac book pro getting on screen notifications when 1 texts me on iphone , mac @ same time...thank god have imessage turned off on need 1 more gadget notify me of message? apple product stress on , worry about.

, before 1 says " sounds bitter person didn't one". after owning iphones , ipads first gen models learned not give first gen product apple stupid...especially watch..i mean cmon watch? if sitting in bed @ night on mac iphone next me why hell need watch same exact thing phone doing? need 3 things light , make noises because got email?

dont know if me or these people come on here , vent out there inner dork or nerd people of these threads borderline pathetic , feel attention grabbers people are...uhhh...whats word....oh yea...insecure....i-t-i-s-a-w-a-t-c-h obsolete once next 1 comes out......and uhhhhh judging apples history of version releases going product hyped , go through same stupid circle of oooommmmgggggg apple announcement ooooommmggggggg have specs oooommmmmggggggg pre orders start tonight oooommmmmmmm mine didnt go through still ship on date said oooooommmmmmggggggggg got mine in mail ooooommmmmmgggggggg insert-gate here.......and these forums packed same exact stupid pointless threads same exact things every product , answers same.

know after reading feel sheep company has mastered art of brainwashing. , ever posted link ones can read between genius how can control market of ever want , minds of people fall in apple reality distortion field......because @ end of day....i mean 10 years ago lived fine , normal out having worry , stress things appeared once iphone 3g came out...thats pretty when started.

end rant....proceed flame of talking about.

i can't take thread after reading horrible grammar error in title

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