13" vs 15" rMBP (current models)

time has come replace our downstairs laptop (2010 mbp). machine go work replace 2007 black macbook, on it's last leg. @ first, going 13" seemed no brainer, we've seen older 15" models , seemed big. once while walking in best buy recently, newer models didn't seem have big of footprint.

these new updates make decision of 13" vs 15" mbpr more difficult.

13" has newer processor, 15" not, quad core i7. processor means little us. @ light video editing of iphone footage may happen on occasion.

13" has 8gb of faster ram, 15" comes 16gb. have 8gb in our 2010 , seems enough, though wife leaves every app/tab open , use fast user switching.

13" has better battery life, means little since it's home machine.

256gb should enough storage. media stored on drobo, hooked imac.

comparing $1500 13" mbpr vs $2000 15", main differences processors, screen size (i more), faster ram,and intel iris 6100 vs iris pro graphics. i'm not gamer, enjoy picking simcity again or new skylines game.

thoughts on new 13" vs older 15" mbpr appreciated. thanks!

15 inch still more powerful

the cpu far better , gpu still better in 15. if want bigger screen, graphics gaming , aren't worried storage refurb 15 inch best bang buck.

there none in store @ moment changes daily. best buy deals , savers coupons. can 15 inch down around $1600 base model it's no brainer...

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