A1278 mid 2009 keyboard problem

hello everyone.
i've got macbook pro 13 inch had liquid accident.
spilled type of liquid on , stopped working. cleaned motherboard using ultrasonic cleaner isopropyl alcohol. seemed trick , laptop ok couple of days. stopped working again , start stuck black screen fan turned maximum. next step replace keyboard. worked 3 days in row apparent issues.
thing is, fourth day, after boot system , mountain lion, seems work untill tuch keyboard. whatever key strike, doesn't read it, , mouse suddently stops functioning right way , recognises clicks right click (double finger click).
presume there's issue keyboard controller. there dedicated keyboard control chip? know how can fint it?
thank in advance. i'd appreciate :)

i thought keyboard replacement have fixed it, if didn't, slot keyboard plugs logic board. try easy fixes first such reset nvram , smc, , put contact cleaner in cable connector make sure not corroded. logic board has replaced, or have use external keyboard , mouse

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