Photos App & iCloud Photo Library: Misreporting Usage, "Orphaned" Video

i have situation video i've deleted still taking storage space on both iphone , ipad. video 635mb.

did enable icloud photo library (beta) month ago. subsequently, turned off noticing large amount of storage being used on both devices (and quite honestly, didn't see benefit of icloud photo library use iphone/ipad cameras).

however, in time had icloud photo library active, had taken , deleted few videos, including 1 635mb video in question.

now, though have erased every photo , every video iphone, ipad, , via photos app, iphone , ipad still report using 635mb. have been sure empty deleted items. if @ iphone , ipad photos app, empty. yet under settings -> general -> usage -> manage storage (for device), both iphone , ipad report 635mb used.

i've tried turning icloud photo library option on , off several times. have gone settings -> general -> usage -> manage storage (for icloud) , disabled, re-enabled, , re-disabled. icloud photo library.

strangely, when had activated icloud photo library yesterday, "deleted" video reappeared in deleted items folder. emptied it. again, cannot recover used space (and turning off/on icloud photo library doesn't cause re-appear again).

ideas reclaim space? have 16gb iphone, 635mb pretty significant. have not yet tried erasing device , restoring backup, might option.


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