38mm vs 42mm: Practical considerations and tips

i wanted put thoughts have had time both 38mm ss bsb , 42 ss bsb came in today. there has been talk in these forums aesthetic differences between these 2 sizes, wanted share practical differences may important well. in addition, wanted list out couple of useful tips after 4 days of use.

bit of background. ordered both wasn't sure size work me, suspected 38mm winner. when went try on perspective changed , instantly decided 38mm small , feminine looking me; 42mm looked perfect, although maybe tad large (i'm 175mm wrist think important - don't!). tryout had white sports band rather black , think factor stated in post.

38mm shipped first , lucky enough receive last friday. wore weekend , loved it, thought perfect size , figured wouldn't want switch 42mm when came in. however, started notice practical issues unrelated how looked:

- had real problems reading complications on many of watch faces. partly size , partly colors used, started become real issue. @ 1 point wife suggested try reading glasses. told not ridiculous since didn't need glasses (i turned 47), when put them on astonished @ how clearer complications were. didn't know if bigger 42mm screen help, started hope would. when switched 42mm amazed @ how clearer complications me, in fact whole screen seemed pop more space.

- touch accuracy on 38mm screen more precise. kept finding touches not registered time , suspect because hadn't hit sweet spot. after few hours 42mm more forgiving. simple tasks entering passcode easier on 42mm vs 38mm, , there lot of dismissing have hope apple reduce in future upgrades.

when got 42mm today first thought looked huge compared used past few days, improvements in visuals , touch described above made me think need live 'bigness' sake of practicality. however, when asked 2 people opinion value most, wife , daughter, both said size looked great on me, guess deal sealed, 38mm goes back.

bottom line here how looks not thing consider. size of visuals critical , practicality of fat fingers on small screen may annoy people on time. not saying should choose 1 on other, have spend time both, , more few minutes @ apple store demo rolling, not same. there number of trade offs consider.

couple of tips or insights:

- there hasn't been had switch out watches on iphone, wanted talk little that. easy do, unpair first watch causes setup backed up, pair new watch , ask if want set new or backup. fact watches 2 different sizes didn't matter, , thing can see didn't restored on new watch apple pay cards. it's know time spend setting watch not lost when have switch. having said hit couple of snags. first, although unpaired first watch didn't turn off. when paired new watch old 1 seemed try , pair well. figured end badly (potentially in 1 or more bricked watches) cancelled set , turned off first watch before paired second. seemed work fine, reason when wife called iphone didn't ring @ all. set series of shopping list reminders using siri find didn't make iphone when went pull them up. rebooted iphone , think these issues have been resolved, reminders appeared. don't know if related fact both watches tried pair, or because restored other watch's backup, note. if issues continue i'll post comment.

- when first got 38mm watch noticed astronomy , solar watch faces showed right time appeared think in california. on astronomy face there no dot show location, world seemed centered on california rather east coast was. poster had noticed same thing had 'cleared up' on own said. mine resolved , faces work fine. believe trick had not been connected wifi network @ when setup watch out of town. returned home , connected wifi problem resolved. in case else has issue.

- couldn't send location in messages app. forum member helped me 1 have make sure location service messages app set on iphone otherwise won't work. error message got wasn't helpful, other poster was, thought i'd re-share one.

- got frustrated workout app , playing music. walk exercise , listen music well. when in workout mode glances don't work cannot swipe access music glance see playing or advance song. mr posted hints today solved this. need use fast switching function setting workout app first app , music app switch out app, can double click digital crown shift between 2 when on move.

overall love watch, there have first want have watch , fitness device in 1 package. these core functions in opinion , if can't justify of cost based on these you'll disappointed. contrary expectations watch incapable of raising first born you. limited in usefulness , haven't worn watch in while me uncomfortable @ or interact long.

if have become frustrated constant noise iphone makes, , inability tell whether phone or else's has dinged, ringed, or whatever you'll love ability turn off sounds on iphone , watch , enjoy being tapped when need care about.

siri works in opinion. i'm not heavy user on phone, more useful on watch because can activated 'hey siri' phrase.

need limit number of apps , notifications set otherwise gets annoying. i'm developer , resisted thinking enhancing app watch until had practical experience. many developers going wrong before right, developers out there let me unless user's primary app glance deleted want ones critical in list.

iphone, watch presents new opportunities. when iphone first came out many developers made web functionality work on iphone, ok, there more potential have seen. same watch, developers shouldn't take iphone app , push functionality onto watch, need use new capabilities such haptics in ways cannot on iphone because not present , personal watch is. i'm avoiding apps right until better ones come out know many apps kill sensitive watch os , cause watch stop doing basics well.

long post know, there useful folks in here.

thank you. found post insightful. i'm female senior citizen, and, while think 38mm size looks best on wrist, i'm going return , wait in line 42mm, reasons state.

i'm smitten apple watch. fitness tracker need keep me on target fitness goals, , i'm finding whole smart watch concept more useful envisioned. didn't have problem getting used wearing watch. i've worn 1 pretty 24/7 since 8 years old, wrist task.

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