Asking for critique on an image

the bad guy started thread asking why there aren't more threads on forum asking critique. there initial discussion constitute "appropriate" critique forum , remainder of thread largely became examples of people asking critique on individual photos.

idea of people starting threads individual photos, whether ranges "i bought camera , first picture, please help" "i had specific intent when shot , here how set shot, please offer advice on how have done differently."

in spirit, i'm offering photo took last summer while walking around in boston. have thing alleys , took while on walking tour. 50mm lens camera in vertical orientation. dark walls lines leading eye sunlit area in background.

have done differently either when shooting or in post? thoughts?


good composition!

center focal point , decrease luminance of highlights floor. maybe shooting @ shorter height eye level have made converging lines of wall different. wall lines become more visible when decreasing overexposed parts of photo.

perhaps not practical, if had more time maybe have wait sun light less bright or @ different hour of day. light coming through window shades quite interesting @ time of day. other times either harsh or not interesting @ all.

in first set of photos lowered angle eye level , gave whole different perspective. in case worked better lowering height --i had kneel-- because photo shows more crafts on right wall more of background.

alleys in second set of photos show equally interesting surrounding walls , leading scene.

attached files:

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