iPad iPad 4 suddenly showing it's age.....

my rock solid 2.5 year old ipad 4 showing it's age.

strange issues include:

-safari has slowed down point of being unusable. takes minute typing search term register. i'm using chrome , works far better.
-the amount of usable storage (i have 16gb version) goes having 6.2gb available nothing available within seconds, goes having 6.2 available, no apps running , nothing loaded. literally drops before eyes.

did full wipe , restore week, set new, , loaded apps on again , these issues persist.

venerable ipad has, in space of few days, gone favorite go-to device source of frustration. showing it's age? software issue 8.2 might resolve? issue app? knows , don't want spend hours figuring out.

think year year retire old girl, when new ipads come out fall.

perish thought, 6+ and......gasp.....fire hd 7 taking slack.

looking forward ipad air 3.

i ipad 4 owner 2.5 years.upgraded air 2 faster, thinner, lighter, . fast if use safari , play games

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