Italian Regulators Conclude Corporate Tax Investigation Against Apple


italian regulators have completed investigation allegations apple failed pay eur879 million ($964 million) in corporate taxes, according reuters. report states that, under italian law, prosecutors can ask judge bring case trial. apple claims has paid necessary taxes in countries operates , confident process resolved.

apple's flagship via roma retail store in torino, italy
the investigations accuse apple of booking profits generated in italy through irish subsidiary in effort lower taxable income base , save eur900 million 2008 through 2013. apple argues it's "one of largest tax payers in world , paid every euro of tax owed wherever did business," , believes allegations against employees without merit.
apple 1 of several multinational tech companies, including amazon , google, have faced corporate tax investigations in united states , europe. u.s. senate accused apple of avoiding billions in income taxes in may 2013, while european union accused company of receiving illegal state aid ireland after completing formal investigation questionable tax practices in country last year.

note: due political nature of discussion regarding topic, discussion thread located in our politics, religion, social issues forum. forum members , site visitors welcome read , follow thread, posting limited forum members @ least 100 posts.

article link: italian regulators conclude corporate tax investigation against apple

italy needs money... let's milk biggest cash cow can find!

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