Moving from 08 uMBP to . ?

hey all,

'08 15" umbp core2duo (2.8ghz, 4gb ram, 500gb hdd) little long in tooth, , i'm considering upgrade. here options see them right now, , i'm interested in hearing opinions!

option 1 - upgrade ssd, clean install of osx, replace battery (which needs regardless)

option 2 - refurb'd mba, looking @ 1.7ghz i7, 8gb ram, 512ssd

option 3 - refurb'd umbp 15" bells , whistles can in budget.

looking spend $1400-1600. used lot more logic work, , still fair amount of audio/video control via qlab. other that, normal junk 1 when typing lives away (word processing, internetzing, light steam games). i'm curious if has made jump smaller computer , experience is. every metric, mba i7 "better" computer current rig.

the mba fine, upgrade 8gb of ram. or rmbp. call retina screen or non retina screen. rmbp more powerful

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