ResearchKit Receives Thousands of Sign-Ups Following Launch


less twenty-four hours after apple unveiled researchkit, open source medical framework had received thousands of sign-ups, according bloomberg. report claims stanford university researchers awoke on tuesday morning, day after apple's "spring forward" media event, discover 11,000 people signed myheart counts, cardiovascular disease app built using researchkit.
researchkit open source software framework aimed @ revolutionizing medical studies making them more readily available millions of iphone users worldwide. when given permission, framework uses iphone's various sensors collect user data such weight, blood pressure, glucose levels , asthma inhaler use, information apple hopes open new possibilities researchers.

apple enable users answer surveys , input data directly researchkit apps, although researchers caution information collected iphone user may misleading due various potential flaws. starters, report claims iphone users more have graduate or doctoral degree android users, , demographic differences can allegedly skew results.
meanwhile, iphone user hitting button accident or giving smartphone else can result in misleading data. nevertheless, there issues data collected through traditional clinical trials well, , researchkit allowing people engage in medical research more still valuable and, apple claims, transform way medicine approached forever.

article link: researchkit receives thousands of sign-ups following launch

thats amazing! hope make breakthroughs of it.

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