2015 13" MBP vs. refurbed 2014 15" MBP for photoshop illustrating and light gaming

i knew in need of laptop soon, need sudden of yesterday. i'm trying decide between models listed in title, , specs listed here: http://store.apple.com/us/buy-mac/macbook-pro. in both cases, baseline models. 15", id wait refurbished 2014 pop up. im on tight budget, since i'm using computer making art , writing lesson plans, both of don't pay well. decision hinges on whether $500-600 worth needs.

make illustrations on photoshop, data heavy layers textures, etc. use external display, more screen size nice, not essential. (this notice big slowdown current hp laptop, runs on integrated gpu 2010 , 4 gb ram , overheats after 5 minutes.) id run games, purchased unable run on hp (bioshock infinite, arkham city, starcraft 2) , light weight indie games (ftl, minecraft)

reviews on new 13.3" mbp model in, tend not understand benchmarks without firm anecdote attached. i'm wondering if can meet needs now, , years come. worry iris gpu, i've heard has improved generation, still causes system sputter time time.

15", im getting bigger ssd , twice ram, better gpu, , imagine last year's quadcore haswell can still overpower year's broadwell. however, it's lot bigger , heavier, , more expensive. if that's takes job done, shell out cash it. there others in refurbished store cheaper, more 2 years old @ point.

unfortunately, need computer work , can't afford wait broadwell show in 15".

i'd save $500-600 , 13" model . yes bigger screen better , easier on eye honestly, if youre not used 15 inch screens wont notice difference unless have been using 15 inch screen past few months.

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