Apple Patents Waterproofing Method 'For Shielding Electronic Components from Moisture'


u.s. patent , trademark office today published patent application created apple, detailing method extensive waterproofing of various components within device, possibly iphone, creating waterproof smartphone without need of special case (via patently apple).

filed in september of 2013, patent application describes "hydrophobic coating" layered onto integral parts within device, printed circuit board. apple describes achieving using "plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition (pacvd) process" adhere coating substance onto surface of printed circuit board in such way not take additional room in small casing of smartphone.

though not waterproof apple's new patent intends device be, tim cook recently stated company's upcoming apple watch in fact bit more water resistant thought. stated wears personal apple watch everywhere, "even in shower." if so, watch company's first device such water resistant claim.

while patent application doesn't state device waterproof process attributed to, it's easy see company reasoning method use on iphone , ipad. although, other patents, practicality of waterproof iphone launching anytime highly unlikely, it's interesting glimpse behind scenes regarding company may considering future.

article link: apple patents waterproofing method 'for shielding electronic components moisture'

great.. guess samsung galaxy s7 going waterproof again.. :rolleyes:

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