Broken Wireless Ribbon

mid-2010 macbook pro i7 2.66ghz

tl;dr: wifi has been turning self off turn on after reboot. after software troubleshooting steps (including re-installing os) looked see if there missing wire. thought wifi/bluetooth loose pulled up. bluetooth , wifi never work.

last couple of months i've had intermittent wifi problems wifi turn off after wake, , give me "no hardware installed" message.

took local apple certified shop. when brought in wifi wasn't working, when rebooted (an action fixes problem temporarily) , tested it worked fine. rep advised re-install os, , if didn't fix it airport card.

re-installed os , reset nvram afterwards. decided open thing see if wire loose.
noticed ribbon connecting airport card area the, think might logic board, might have been little "raised" on 1 side. took spudger thing got in little kit when installed ssd, , started prying 1 side up. came easy. noticed though connections ribbon , come loose ribbon. wifi , bluetooth both working.

here looks now. wasn't quite sure how capture separation

have 3 questions:
possible did when pried ribbon up? no doubt made worse, seems odd have destroyed small amount of pressure used.
if damage here prior monkey-business, might have been problem whole time?
if attempt through few dollars @ problem part need?

close. item might different apple part #, , may not work. (edit: but, it's going work. however, 1 linked below, it's cheaper, mentions correct apple part #, , has positive customer reviews it.)

1 need replace apple part # in system:

1 of customer reviews part mentions same issue having, , replacing cable fixed them. so, that's more promising. it's cheaper 1 looking @ too! (bonus!)

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