Sold my macbook scam

hi, sold macbook pro buy rmacbook, or thought. have big site selling things here in sweden, , thought ok. pay money on delivery, , have 24 hours inspect. him perfecly safe, me not supose.

emails me telling me letters swedish letter Ö , m not working , several other keys glitching. since been using computer till day reset , reinstall him enter icloud account.

wonder there way me prove thrue online history computer used ? safari or in onenote. when sold computer wrote add on macbook.

can call apple support perhaps, there anyway prove computer working day sent ? did make small video, ofcourse didnt think hitting every damn key proof.

thats 1000 dollar lost on late 2013 macbook, or worst have sent me broken , got damn :(

had email correspondance on macbook, guess doesnt show anywhere in mail sent , computer ?

hope send , check serial number know didn't switch 1 broken. , next time sell insist on money beforehand.

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