Todoist App for Apple Watch Will Bring To-Do Lists to Your Wrist


apple watch on schedule ship in april , developers asked have apps readied month, beginning see slow trickle of apps surface wrist-worn device. todoist on monday became latest software maker tease work-in-progress apple watch app, sharing video , screenshots of upcoming to-do app macrumors morning.


todoist [direct link] aims bring popular to-do app iphone , ipad wrist simple apple watch app provide task management @ glance. when paired iphone, app enable users view upcoming tasks , categories, reply comments, , schedule or mark complete tasks. todoist tells video below missing task filter view, plans add feature soon.

enric enrich, 20-year-old ios developer @ doist, explains further:
apple made watchkit sdk available alongside release of ios 8.2 , xcode 6.2 beta in november, although developers limited emulator-only development environment until apple watch released. now, third-party tesla app , concepts of apps such instagram , uber provide best teaser of future of wrist holds.

article link: todoist app apple watch bring to-do lists wrist

i don't want see such simple ports of iphone apps. want see iwatch used more time-based things. iwatch apps should focus on changing behavior based on time or current location, not behaving simplified iphone apps..

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