
Showing posts from February, 2014

Best Glances

i saw thread somewhere on best glances far can't find now. have favorites worthy of being 1 of 20, limit?   i own... departure board, see signature.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch Apps iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Wow, texting is....

easier on watch on iphone . not had 24 hours yet , when i'm not in public place ( don't idiot) i'm doing texting watch. it's easier, watch taps because text you, raise arm read, tap reply, tap mic, , response, send. done. convenient when i'm doing eating . did not expect texting main use.   i pleasantly surprised @ dictation accuracy, better phone considerable margin.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

5 Home Sharing Limit on Apple TV 3rd Gen

my set airport extreme timecapsule 3 airport expresses acting extenders throughout house. had 5 apple tv's working flawlessly home sharing. after recent price cut thought i'd add another, not thinking there might limit on number can use in own property. seems there is, sixth atv not connect in home sharing (get cannot connect itunes message). if reset itunes or turn off/on home sharing select 5 apple tv's share with. aware there 5 device limit in home sharing macs, first gen atv, far aware did not apply atv3 (in same way doesn't apply iphones/ipads etc) have home sharing working more 5 gen 3 atv's?   i have no first hand experience of this, googling looks there's cap of 5 connected apple tvs, lines experience. serving media single mac?   Forums Apple TV

Anyone Else Going to Use A Portable USB DAC/Headphone Amp With the 2015 Macbook?

one of joys of getting new computer rigging out accessories. maybe should posted in accessories forum i'll make short. thought i'd share new macbook 2015 owners , them thinking. got audioengine d3. fresh out of box. no burn in. sounds more satisfying headphone out port (b&w p7 , hififman 400i). of course there usb-c usb adapter in chain. biggest fear suck down laptop battery. i'm watching that.   i'm going stick headphone jack , 320s. when tried out p7s in-store, signal new macbook seemed quite clean. don't know if i'll still feel way when laptop shows , can use somewhere that's quieter start with.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Wat

Apple Watch in Canada

anyone in canada have long shipping estimates on orders? have few friends 3:04 orders got estimates 14th-27th got lucky, 3:03 42mm aws sg april 24th - may 8th ... live in gta may have large part it.. fellow canucks?   ordered @ around 3:05am 38mm sport w/ white band. awaiting delivery friday! (hopefully)   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Jellyfish background inspiration

i couldn't figure out why jellyfish background looked familiar until watched skyfall last night (007). here screen shot. in scene in china there giant animated jellyfish on building. seen anywhere else? wondering...   attached files: image.jpg file size: 427.6 kb views: 82 wow, thought jellyfish existed in apple watches. catch.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

8.3 Signal Strength

since updated 8.3, displayed signal signal strength on iphone 6 lower before in locations. looking @ 1 dot when seeing 3-4 before. compared friend's iphone 6 on same carrier. he's still running 8.1. phone in otterbox case; mine in 1 of rubber apple cases. side side, phone had 3 dots, , mine had 1. possible radio have been affected somehow? think update change graphical representation of same signal strength. unfortunately, wasn't able signal strength (dbm) @ time, , don't have enough past information other phones compare. wouldn't big of deal, i'v experienced 3 dropped calls in past week (normally rare occurrence me). i've contacted carrier, , of course claim have had no known issues in area. has else had happen?   funny should i'm seeing 1 dot of signal strength less used do. obvious me because @ home have 2 dots, have one. put down 'one of things

How to run Diagnostics on a MBP 2014 (Yosemite)

hi know how run diagnostics on yosemite? have 2014 macbook , started using yosemite first time. when hold d following reboot computer asks language want use. nothing happens afterwards, gives me options ;restart or shutdown ! had same issue, fix ?   macmark93 said: ↑ hi know how run diagnostics on yosemite? have 2014 macbook , started using yosemite first time. when hold d following reboot computer asks language want use. nothing happens afterwards, gives me options ;restart or shutdown ! had same issue, fix ? click expand...   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple

Chicago Flagship watch try on today.

so got michigan ave store in chicago. have space black ss ordered space grey sports store crowded! buzz around watches. way better in person!! little torn although ordered black ss regular ss looks amazing , seems more versatile far adapting different bands. link band lighter looks still seemed high quality. sports band amazingly nice!!! did not feel cheap @ all. also, tried on space grey sports black band looked great , felt great. tried watches not running demos , there no significant lag. lady next me older , wearing lots of diamond bling complaining apple guy how wanted gold edition , upset couldn't buy 1 right there , take home today!! after seeing enthusiasm in store think apple has big hit on hands(pun intended). final thoughts keep order in black ss although ordered ss white band in case change mind in next few days. ps checked out new macbook. feels ipad keyboard. surprised gold color nicer thought b

10.10.3 update log in from sleep problem

i had macbook pro set request password sleep. after updating, not accept password , have reboot. have disabled this, want security issue. else experiencing this?   matari said: ↑ i had macbook pro set request password sleep. after updating, not accept password , have reboot. have disabled this, want security issue. else experiencing this? click expand... try couple of things: repair permissions in disk utility , reboot. reset pram:   Forums Macs macOS OS X Yosemite (10.10) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork

Media keys not working

i running os x yosemite 10.10.2 on macbook air 11-inch 2014 , media keys have stopped working. these previous track, play, , next track buttons located on f7, f8 , f9 respectively. belief since deleted 'ituneshelper' login items might causing it. so, have placed in login items , upon reboot still not working. in addition have tried clearing pram. have ideas else try? thanks.   edit: remove identifying information not relevant thread.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Have the reviews changed your mind?

still looks me!   yes. worried keyboard , bit processor not anymore.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

More details revealed about Apple Watch faces

more apple pr wired, going detail on of watch faces.   rogifan said: ↑ more apple pr wired, going detail on of watch faces. click expand... amazing article!!!! thx sharing. think captured essence of "being apple", description of thousands of shots took of flowers, butterflies, & jellyfish, fact jony designs inside of imac, no 1 ever see, steve's quote "painting of fence"... article short, found insightful.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Appl

What is expected of the next rMBP?

so, i'm considering purchasing new rmbp and, if sounded enough, wait until late summer new 1 (that's when it's expected, right?). don't understand next 1 have thats going amazing though... can explain in laymen terms , might compared current 13"?   if need why wait till next year? of course next year better. no 1 other apple knows new.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Two questions about notifications for the AW

not sure if have seen video haven't or not...but have 2 questions purchase hinges on. 1) able have text preview disabled on watch? example...i'm @ work, i'm in meeting, , receive text wife that's either a) sexually inappropriate or b) says negative work (like in meeting b*tch right now?) me in trouble..this reason stopped using pebble. there no way "text message: john/jamie/etc" 2) happens when have both phone , watch on , actively using phone? receive 2 notifications? feel pretty annoying (despite small)   i agree number 2, when had pebble, annoying when using phone , tweets, instagram likes, messages , chat messages @ same time. hate having double notifications ugh. yea hope can handle pretty well.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch

Did you try to trick the app?

on apple watch app, when go pairing, there option line watch viewfinder... how many people tried trick holding image of watch??   twisted-pixel said: ↑ on apple watch app, when go pairing, there option line watch viewfinder... how many people tried trick holding image of watch?? click expand... have no idea mean......... how work anyway?   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Buy watch-only for subsequent model refreshes

currently apple sell apple watch strap, can't expect buy straps again each time want upgrade watch, follows future apple watches available buy without strap? mean watch-only price knowable. i'm guessing cost more buy watch + strap separately together. also, while don't know apple's plans hardware refresh cycle, on basis make changes physical hardware, quite @ point strap connection size change (as watch gets smaller). @ point, current straps no longer compatible newer watches , you'll have buy straps again.   that's not given. watch manufacturers don't typically sell wristwatches without straps. @ point it's more wishful thinking else. it'll quite few years before case gets thin connectors it's safe bet current design stay while.   Forums Apple Watch

Trackpad gesture missing?

hi all, used use trackpad gesture in old mbp 2 finger drag (to move whole window). don't see when set new trackpd up. missing something?? or, staring me in face??   i don't know if two-finger drag available use three-finger drag.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

New 2012 Mini Server Mystery Restart

i've got 1 month old 2012 mini server purchased new running latest version of yosemite 10.10.2 rebooting on own every few days. when happens, boots recovery menu. upgrade i've done replacing delivered 4gb ram 8gb of crucial ram ordered crucial , correct spec model. when happens, last message in console prior restart not consistent, couple of times has been "attempt use xpc machservice has hideuntilcheckin set. result in unpredictable behavior:" . google searches have led me believe not issue. here more information: the server running headless using compulab hdmi display emulator (allows 1920 x 1080 resolution on remote access) the server not accessible internet in sharing, have file sharing, printer sharing, remote login , remote management set in power settings server set not sleep. sharing settings prevent sleep understand. i have 2 usb 3 drives attached mini, 1 backup server , backup other macs via network. th

[FREE][iOS] Colori - A puzzle game about colors

hello everyone, have color perception? want find out? developer of new puzzle game called colori, aim reorder colors form uniform color pattern. game challenges color perception abilities, , designed clean , minimalistic graphics. check out! app store link: alberto   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS Apps iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone Separate camera photos from downloaded images

just switched android , miss gallery app, hate download image on iphone, goes camera roll , downloaded images mixed in camera taken photos. there automated process or app can me?   no, 3rd party web browsers (e.g. icab mobile ) have own web storage downloads. can share want app of choosing. e.g., move image camera roll.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 8 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Has the coating on your rMacBook Pro screen started coming off?

i've seen lot of people complain coating on rmacbook glass coming off normal cleaning, i'm thinking upgrading air pro has put me off. wanted post quick poll see if it's big enough problem people saying. here link thread.   caris said: ↑ i've seen lot of people complain coating on rmacbook glass coming off normal cleaning, i'm thinking upgrading air pro has put me off. wanted post quick poll see if it's big enough problem people saying. here link thread. click expand... i replaced lcd myself on retina due image retention problems had pixels "exploded" , feel areas on screen coating gone , felt crater in screen.. revision 1 lg. have revision 2 , has had no issues.   Forums Macs Notebooks

Gen 1 Straps Compatible with Gen 2

what there chances case? because go link bracelet.   i'm sure straps work next watch. don't see apple switching strap mechanic on future watches.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

4k resolution P2715Q in Windows

i found yesterday, can't find again - can repost steps unlock 4k on nmp using dell p2715q? update - simple, dl , install newest apple amd boot camp driver in windows. note, after install started, screens went black , never came back, left machine alone 10 minutes (to make sure whatever installs completed), hard rebooted machine no issues.   Forums Macs Mac Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Kernel panic

since upgrading yosemite 2012 mbp 15" consistently experiences kernel panic didn't have on mavericks. it's annoying because don't know causes it. can familiar computer codes take @ crash report , determine, if possible, cause of crashes? i'll grateful. note: noticed report mentions symantec. use norton internet security on mac. wonder if might possible culprit? anonymous uuid: eaa1fbfd-2d21-3375-74eb-0b910c35a808 wed mar 4 18:12:11 2015 *** panic report *** panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff800b570328): "invalid queue element pointers 0xffffff8021bb9fd8: next 0 prev 0"@/sourcecache/xnu/xnu-2782.10.72/osfmk/kern/queue.h:133 backtrace (cpu 0), frame : return address 0xffffff8116c0bcb0 : 0xffffff800b52fe41 0xffffff8116c0bd30 : 0xffffff800b570328 0xffffff8116c0bd70 : 0xffffff800b56c7c3 0xffffff8116c0be60 : 0xffffff800b539089 0xffffff8116c0be80 : 0xffffff7f8bc3d051 0xffffff8116c0beb0 : 0xffffff7f8bc3

What have you been meaning to do for a long time but never got around to do it?

title says all. things have been meaning long time never got around it?   poiihy said: ↑ title says all. have been meaning long time never got around it? click expand... going china.   Forums Mac Community Community Discussion iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Auto CarPlay Issues Anyone?

i've had carplay enabled on pioneer avic5000 nex since first became enabled , i'm noticing issues popping up. annoying issue inability pick leave off when listening podcasts or lengthy songs. example, if i'm running store few minutes , shut off truck, can't pick listening recording when return. doesn't matter if leave iphone 5s connected or disconnect , plug in. entering carplay on receiver once plug in allow me see podcast/song when start up, won't play. end having disconnect phone , close podcasts or music app restart. receiver reconnect , can resume listening. you'd think reconnecting iphone receiver should allow pick last listening to. i'm trying figure out if common carplay issue or if it's unique set-up.   Forums Apple and Apple Services HomeKit, HomePod, CarPlay, Home & Auto Technology

Regular temps for MBP mid 2012 i7?

hi there guys, downloaded istats menus. i've attatched screenshot of temperatures. i'm not extremely computer savvy, i'm unsure if these abnormal temperatures. macbook on battery power, running chrome , eclipse. comments on temperatures? should concerned of these? feel relatively high. can lower temps? shot 2015-02-09 @ 6.20.41 pm.png?dl=0   your temperatures fine me. using discrete or integrated graphics? using integrated   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Margins lower than company average

at least right now. of may startup costs, etc, seems apple selling @ less of markup other products, , expects of sales of lower-priced band/watch combinations.   any actual evidence or random thought?   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Mac Pro 2009 Graphics Cards

i've bought 2009 mac pro , i'm looking upgrade graphics card gt 120 5770 or maybe 5870 or else not noisy , cheap possible better bootcamp gaming. looking on ebay uk 5770 upgrade seems go less gt 120 replacing - i'm confused - why lower power card go more upgrade?   englishman said: ↑ i've bought 2009 mac pro , i'm looking upgrade graphics card gt 120 5770 or maybe 5870 or else not noisy , cheap possible better bootcamp gaming. looking on ebay uk 5770 upgrade seems go less gt 120 replacing - i'm confused - why lower power card go more upgrade? click expand... supply , demand guess. lot of people want gt120s because they're low-profile cards useful boot screens if you're flashing card.   Forums Macs

Paid with PayPal Credit

just wondering if paid paypal credit has seen movement in orders. ordered apple watch sport space grey 42 mm approximately 3:16 est may 13-27 delivery , still in processing.   charges on paypal still show pending.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Activity App not Updating

at gym yesterday did 55m on elliptical , used exercise app on apple watch. seems have recorded correctly (i got badge) , end of day had achieved (and exceeded) of daily targets. today @ gym completed 55m lifecycle work out activity app not showing workout counted despite having recorded workout. when @ iphone app workout shows completed not reason being counted towards daily goals. seems odd, else experience or similar?   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Field Test App

hello, there way put app icon field test (*3001#12345#*) on home screen? know people have added app icons calling , sending messages via "add home screen" option in safari. there other way access field test app?   !!! said: ↑ hello, there way put app icon field test (*3001#12345#*) on home screen? know people have added app icons calling , sending messages via "add home screen" option in safari. there other way access field test app? click expand... what field test?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applicat

Third Party app access to HRM

has tried accessing aw hrm apps runtastic or endomondo?   seems it's not possible atm. have wait until watch sdk released.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone Activity App

in case wondering, activity app automatically downloads paired iphone upon setting companion app on watch. looking in app store , apple watch app , realized on 1 of home screens. far, seems pretty cool app. navigation ripped straight calendar app.   the activity app did not appear or download on iphone after pairing.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Apple's Support Page "Wearing Apple Watch"

apple has page entitled, "wearing apple watch" in support threads... talks "for people sensitive materials.", never thought of struggle. talks proper ways put on , tightness how clean it..   they trying cover butts considering other watches have had recalls due people have skin issues. don't think case apple watch that's why page there , frankly watch companies should post word out.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Anyone preordered in Hong Kong?

i’m outside launch countries , ordered mine through friend in hong kong. wondering if did same here , if watch has prepared shipment yet. ordered 38mm classic buckle 9 hours after start of preorder , got 24/04 8/05 shipping date (this model had delivery range 24 hours in hk after preorders opened) isn't preparing shipment yet (sigh). anyone?   i ordered in hong kong. 42mm space gray aluminum case black sport band , 42mm silver aluminum case pink sport band still in processing!   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

rMB Impressions

just went local apple store here in twin cities suburbs. store busy, not overwhelmingly so. there nobody looking @ these, , nobody asked me either, fine. first impressions of expected after 15 minute play. nice build quality, part nice size , weight. keyboard take getting used to, bet after few weeks wouldn't want use else. said, while key size didn't bother me, did keep missing backspace key. keys stable no light leak around them, , register more of click anything. felt hinge weak/cheap; nice not have hold base of machine open it, little flimsy. reminded of '08 unibody mbp had cracked hinge after short time. of course hinge metal now, still felt cheap. screen real estate wasn't there. oddly enough default resolution set on display units scaled/more space option. then, real estate wasn't quite enough if used 15" machine, low res 15" mbp. screen crisp though, , brightness seemed same other machine they've rele

Developer Chainfire Publishes Preview Release Of FlashFire

developer chainfire publishes preview release of flashfire, 'spiritual successor' mobile odin pretty big news here android geeks, sounds interesting; chainfire, developer behind supersu many other popular apps , mods, has published flashfire, dubs "spiritual successor" of mobile odin. flashfire is, name might suggest, tool flashing roms, kernels, , mods without need custom recovery. (upon stable release) make these tasks, involve lot of button pressing , little elbow grease, drastically simpler.   wow, awesome.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Alternatives to iOS and iOS Devices iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Not

3rd Party Email/Calendar Apps

i wondering if has heard 3rd party mail/client apps integrations, notifications. don't want have switch apple's mail take advantage of notifications. think biggest issue notification email clients. can use apple watch calendar app notifications, doubt easy using watch's mail app , not default mail app on iphone. email clients inbox google gmail mailbox cloud magic boxer acompli thanks!   i'm you. love using mailbox, there's watch app.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch Apps iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Dual 3,33 6 core Xeons in 2010 Westmere going to be an issue?

in terms of heat, load on power supply or ??? has nvidia geforce gtx 770 2048 mb video card   pianoman88 said: ↑ dual 3,33 6 core xeons in 2010 westmere going issue? click expand... no not.   Forums Macs Desktops Mac Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Early Benchmarks Put Retina MacBook CPU Performance in Range of 2011 MacBook Air

though retina macbook isn't officially launching until april 10, early 64-bit geekbench benchmark of entry-level machine spotted afternoon, giving our first glimpse @ how new ultra thin macbook measures existing products in apple's notebook line. 1.1ghz entry-level retina macbook intel core m-5y31 processor benchmarked twice, giving 2 single-core scores of 1924 , 2044, , multi-core scores of 4038 , 4475. comparatively, 2015 entry-level macbook air 1.6ghz intel core i5 processor has seen scores in neighborhood of 2881 (single-core) , 5757 (multi-core), it's bit faster new macbook. ​ performance wise, retina macbook cpu seems to par higher-end 2011 macbook air 1.8ghz core i7 processor, graphics performance on new macbook, geekbench not measure, should far superior 2011 machine. taking account intel hd 5300 graphics , improved ssd, retina macbook outperform aforementioned 2011 macbook air though cpu speeds similar. apple offers 2 a

Apple Watch Recreated in 800-Brick Nanoblock Sculpture

under month until april 24 launch date of apple watch, internationally renowned nanoblock artist christopher tan has re-created apple watch in block form in anticipation of wearable's release next month. ​ as tan notes, sculpture 2.6x scale model of 42mm apple watch created on 800 pieces of nanoblock, popular building block product in japan, akin lego. tan says he's "been long-time apple fan" , "eagerly anticipating apple watch." ​ tan has been creating apple-related nanoblock structures while now, last year debuting 2,000-piece structure of fifth avenue apple store, complete iconic glass cube entrance , descending spiral staircase. tan's creations have earned him spreads in magazines , award recognition in nanoblock company's own spotlight of best creations , creators using product. check out rest of tan's nanoblock creations on blog . article link: apple watch recreated in 800-brick nanoblock scu

Free Cinemagraph Pro Mac Gone free!

cinemagraph pro mac gone free!   attached files: screen1280x800-1.jpeg file size: 141.8 kb views: 174 screen1280x800.jpeg file size: 120.9 kb views: 155 in app purchases =/= free   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Volume Grayed out, PRAM reset wont work

hi guys have had problem in past same mbp. reset pram, time not working. 2012 version mbp ran lion, mavericks running yosemite osx. movies headphones have worked 1 day volume stopped working on mbp. worked when plugged in headphones, didnt come out of speakers. tried reset pram few times recently, mbp struggled (sounded , felt awful) , start screen/grey screen kept flashing simultaneously. other ideas?   external drive??? talking external hard drive?   Forums Macs Mac Basics and Help iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Is the Apple Watch safe to wear?

there article in new york times yesterday concerning safety of wearables. conclusion apple watch should safe because doesn't use cell signal , bluetooth signals not considered harmful. have concerns regardless? article worth read. (i'm sorry crude copy , paste, i'm on phone , when go desktop site , try create link safari crashes.)   no problem. 3rd party accessory vendors selling these needlessly worried in addition ruggedized plastic cases , screen protectors. unfortunately, match ss watch edition. ​   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Mus

Should I upgrade MBP 2011 i7 from mountain lion to Yosemite

should upgrade mbp 2011 i7 mountain lion yosemite? it's wife's computer , didn't know if should. uses internet only. light user.   sgiera said: ↑ should upgrade mbp 2011 i7 mountain lion yosemite? it's wife's computer , didn't know if should. uses internet only. light user. click expand... not necessary, considering ml still receives security updates. note yosemite doesn't run on hdds.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

PSA: MacBook 2,1 battery

i wanted let folks old macbooks know got battery off amazon lavolta. battery fits , gives ~4 hrs of battery life on snow ~$40 vs $120 apple battery. me it's buy if need new one. here's link   attached files: screen shot 2015-03-18 @ 7.48.22 pm.png file size: 37.3 kb views: 69 i'm looking new battery 2008 (black). how long time have used now? can e.g. give update on after few cycles? have unoriginal battery mtech (or that) , died after 5 cycles.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook

A1278 mid 2009 keyboard problem

hello everyone. i've got macbook pro 13 inch had liquid accident. spilled type of liquid on , stopped working. cleaned motherboard using ultrasonic cleaner isopropyl alcohol. seemed trick , laptop ok couple of days. stopped working again , start stuck black screen fan turned maximum. next step replace keyboard. worked 3 days in row apparent issues. thing is, fourth day, after boot system , mountain lion, seems work untill tuch keyboard. whatever key strike, doesn't read it, , mouse suddently stops functioning right way , recognises clicks right click (double finger click). presume there's issue keyboard controller. there dedicated keyboard control chip? know how can fint it? thank in advance. i'd appreciate   i thought keyboard replacement have fixed it, if didn't, slot keyboard plugs logic board. try easy fixes first such reset nvram , smc, , put contact cleaner in ca