
Showing posts from July, 2013

Checking Order Status

is else having problem viewing order status of 12:20pm est? idea if isn't me having problem?   same here, see movement afterward.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Am I The Only One Still Loving My Watch?

wow, many threads today people saying going return theirs or sell them. hate see many excited , 3 days in people bored them. me personally, i'm still absolutely loving mine, ordered white sports 42mm. battery life has been amazing far (even i'm @ 78% @ 5:50pm , it's been off charger since 8am) stuff good, love of watch , on next few months apple come out software updates fix stuff don't like. 1 thing hope in first update ability extend how long screen comes on for.   mine has been pretty perfect   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

How do we penalized apple for this ********

i'm angered beyond means. i've waited long enough watch , stayed late @ night order @ crack of 3am. got email confirmation @ 3:04am , thought part of first batch. ******** email we're working on order. better not ******** move not getting me watch on friday because i'll pissed. why people ordered late "bumped" earlier expected while people stayed late delayed? slap in face. i'm contemplating returning thing pure anger @ point.   i'm mad people ordered later preparing shipment   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Photos, or 10.10.3 broke iPhoto!

so updated 10.10.3, , opened photos ap, , let import iphoto library. seems have imported alright, can no longer open iphoto. every time try error. latest version of iphoto, , worked before update. know because opened see how may photos had, make sure photos app imported of photos. , yes tried clicking "search app store", can't download iphoto anymore   attached files: screen shot 2015-04-08 @ 9.46.17 pm.png file size: 34.7 kb views: 105 iphoto if upgraded 10.10.3, believe iphoto discontinued due new photos app. think once open photos app , import data, kills access library in iphoto. think you're out of luck. sorry...   Forums Macs

Colour banding on cMBP

hi there, got logic board replaced due issue wifi, , i've noticed in gradients there's pronounced banding. i've never noticed before on laptop, , expect have considering see everywhere (including facebook) normal or should booking trip genius bar?   every once in while i'll pick on banding on mine, nothing pronounced yours. recommend running display calibrator within displays preferences in system preferences. see if can create better calibration on own. if it's still not enough, make trip , see can do.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications

How are you ordering?

will using apple store website, apple store app, or physical apple store?   i have app , website up. whichever lets me order first gets order.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Sleep tracker device that integrates with HealthKit?

sleep tracker device integrates healthkit? exists? can't find single 1 integrates healthkit.   i've been on prowl 1 well. fitbit family straight no-go, since they're more happy fade irrelevancy own stuff play nice on healthkit. misfit integrate steps healthkit, sleep isn't syncing. i'd ideally low cost ($100 or less true sweet spot) integrate healthkit know apple watch isn't meant sleep tracking.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone Restoring jailbreak help

i jailbreaked ios 8.1.2 taig , backed in itunes . however, had iphone swapped @ apple store. new iphone gave me has older ios 8.1.1 installed. questions are, happen if restore ios 8.1.2 backup? data 8.1.2 jailbreak? or have jailbreak current ios 8.1.1 first , restore backup? appreciated. thanks!   you can't restore newer ios created backup file older ios version. if backup created under 8.1.2 need on or higher use backup. , can't restore current device latest ios versio signed apple. , cannot jb newest ios.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLi

Help! admob Interstitial Ads giving error "No UIViewController supplied to the ad"

the first interstitial ad loads fine, 2nd , onwards gives following error in nslog code: <google> no uiviewcontroller supplied ad. cannot continue. in gameover void, says below : code: if ([self.interstitial isready]) { self.interstitial.delegate = self; [self.interstitial presentfromrootviewcontroller:self.viewcontroller]; } any idea whats happening here? why not picking self.viewcontroller?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS Programming iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

PPC Bootable Clone or Disc Image Options....

i have powermac g5 ppc running tiger , old, white, santa rosa macbook running leopard. if create cloned disc images of these os drives, able run them in vmware fusion/parallels/etc. on modern intel mac? if create bootable clones of these drives, these need formatted apm on firewire drives accessible g5 &/or sr macbook opposed bootable clones formatted guid on usb drives accessible modern mac? there reason want clone drives via target disk mode, hooked intel mac, opposed cloning them directly own interfaces or intel mac access them via ethernet lan?   for g5 running tiger, can clone drive work on powerpc mac, because tiger never released universal binary. in case of intel macbook running leopard, can image drive, , work on powerpc or intel mac leopard released universal binary. im not sure using in vmware, unfortunately have never owned intel mac use vmware on.  

Which MacBook Pro Retina 13" should I purchase?

i upgrading mid-2010 mbp, , using programs photoshop, cinema 4d , maya, graphics intensive games , bootcamp. planning buy high-spec tier, should i7 configuration? make of difference use for? should 16-gb ram upgrade? have 16gb ram on 2010mbp, along 1tb ssdhd hybrid.   randomaccessmem said: ↑ i upgrading mid-2010 mbp, , using programs photoshop, cinema 4d , maya, graphics intensive games , bootcamp. planning buy high-spec tier, should i7 configuration? make of difference use for? should 16-gb ram upgrade? have 16gb ram on 2010mbp, along 1tb ssdhd hybrid. click expand... among 13" rmbps, i7 upgrade useless because it's dual core cpu i5s. 16gb should come in useful cinema 4d , maya. if play graphics intensive games, no 13" rmbp suit you. need 15" rmbp 750m @ minimum. integrated cards don't play graphics intensive games bf4.  

Same display sizes?

anyone know if display size same on both 38 , 42mm models?   sirious said: ↑ anyone know if display size same on both 38 , 42mm models? click expand... no, 42mm has larger display.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Is it necessary to open up the back lid of the MBPr to clean out dust?

i've seen lot of threads on here people have opened lid , found ample amounts of dust. 1 year warranty over. i'm on amex warranty extends manufactures warranty 1 year @ no additional cost. thinking might time open macbook think? or there risk involved? in advance.   do if machine feels warmer usual. no risk   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iOS 8.2 stability

how ios 8.2 performance on iphone 5s? i'm quite curious because it's coming out soon. , how performance on 5/5c?   better wait final release.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 8 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Hit Test for non-transparency in Swift

i trying hit test on image have loaded uiimageview. image 1 object 50x50 inside of 300x300 frame. essentially, 300x300 transparent png file object in middle. want touch or tap registered when user touches object. not actual transparent parts of image. how can done in swift?   you should use hittest method , return view if touch inside "touch" area see here   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS Programming iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Samsung Magician Software

anybody know if available mac anytime soon? bought 2 850 pro's 2 of mbp's.   in word no afraid not, there seems no plans mac version. far know can still manually firmware updates iso image automatic firmware control not coming macs....   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Random shutdown issue

hello, have had following issue few weeks. macbook air (2013) shuts down randomly when temperature hot. however, happens temperatures rising between 55-62 degrees c° should not problem macbook. started happening recently, played games on , had connected beamer year , fine. running 90+ degrees never hat shutdown problems. when shuts down @ 60 degrees or less not warm touch neither side assume temperature sensor reading correct. nowadays cant connect beamer long , have have laptop cooler underneath play game. have limit them sub-20 fps keep termperature unter 50 degrees. out of warranty unfortunately since few month. read heat causing parts expand , causing short, wasnt connectet air 2013, , chance? , post last resord, tried common fixes eg. smc reset or reinstalling osx. greetings   if has overheated multiple times possible hardware damage

Unlock watch from iPhone pointless?

as far can tell works after have put watch on , unlocked manually. @ point work after lock watch manually while still wearing. missing something? thanks.   i don't understand saying. sorry. purpose of feature is, example, in morning put watch on... , start day , unlock iphone. automatically unlock watch too. way don't have both. make easier put watch on , forget it. opposed if setting off, put watch on, unlock it, unlock phone, start day. or put watch on, forget unlock it, unlock iphone, , start wondering why aren't receiving notifications on watch. bottom line save minor step believe.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Pro

Order Thread for Hong Kong

still pfs!   there's loads of threads hong kong... started one, 1 'preparing shipment' still! think hong kong easiest send apple watch on china!!!   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

What happens when you click the 'Cancel Items' button?

does give warning or 1 click cancel order?   probably gives warning don't know sure. if bought 42mm space gray , black band might give try , see   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone Chrome Downloader's new update falsely accuses piracy

i legitimately bought chrome downloader + ages ago , new update evidently can't read license or something. else having problem? message below when try , download things.   why not contact developer , ask them? if purchased it, should not issue.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

All these threads of useless garbage is..

going make head explode. holy cow!!!!!! log in , see them dumber , dumber days go by. - try on experiences - omg how come still processing though last 50 apple orders have made same thing when in shipping. - think or band men or women -which 1 did think should (like matters since personal product apple has ever made) list goes on , on of worthless threads of same garbage. people relax 400$ watch. understand hype around new iphone cmon apple watch gimmicky....a toy @ best show off. there not 1 single thing apple watch besides heart rate monitor (big whoop) 6 plus doesn't. admit when tried on felt high quality , seemed liked nice piece have on wrist can @ time...but trade offs? uhhhh charge every night? thats big trade off considering charge phone, macbook, , ipad. write on mac book pro getting on screen notifications when 1 texts me on iphone , mac @ same time...thank god have imessage turned off on need 1 more gadget notify m

Will the Apple Watch companion App allow to disable apps?

some apps receiving updates including corresponding app apple watch. possible disable apps through apple watch companion app? don't have apps on apple watch.   yes, possible.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Cool LG Watch R case mod - back to stainless steel

okay, people know lg wr black coated stainless steel: what's interesting original photos of before went market, partly coated: well, took fine sandpaper lgwr, , removed (most of) coating reveal stainless steel underneath. paired matching link bracelet: looks forthcoming lg urbane in silver, nicer black accents left around bezel pieces. i'm charging dremel, because want mine, bought used off ebay $220. not shabby stainless steel smartwatch always-on round oled display. now, if apple approve android wear ios, , google's next watch update enables wifi of these watches have dormant inside, this'll sweet option.   if have take dremel watch, watch, smart or otherwise, that's instant product fail, more $25 china town knock off special. , round face meant selling point, because find them impractical tech based upon time mot

Reviews finally out for rMB - The Verge   jim dalrymple @ loop, too:   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

CCC4 cannot unmount disk after cloning

hi all, purchased carbon copy cloner 4, , discovered had option unmount target drive after finishing backup. enabled it, drive not unmount. cannot unmount drive in finder without getting warning drive in use. have looked through console logs, , not able figure out program preventing unmounting of drive. have volume excluded spotlight, not running antivirus, @ loss. re-partitioned drive , started fresh clone, , did not help. how can find program preventing me unmounting? thanks.   i use ccc4 , unmounts external fine no special settings. mine eject in finder, sounds have else going on. run command below in terminal real drive name , list apps accessing drive pin down problem. code: sudo lsof | grep "drive_name"   Forums Macs Mac Apps and M

Gmail in Mac Mail

i have 4 gmail accounts in mac mail on macbook pro running yosemite. mail sent 1 account displays it's of accounts when reaches recipient. recipient replies wrong account. if sent using webmail gmail account address displayed recipient correct. known bug in mac mail or there setting i've overlooked? keep accounts hope can suggest solution.   lonscalebear said: ↑ i have 4 gmail accounts in mac mail on macbook pro running yosemite. mail sent 1 account displays it's of accounts when reaches recipient. recipient replies wrong account. if sent using webmail gmail account address displayed recipient correct. known bug in mac mail or there setting i've overlooked? keep accounts hope can suggest solution. thanks click expand... had happen me well. has outgoing mail servers having same name. mine called "gmail". need figure out 1 through tr

Worth reconditioning the 2011 MBA?

i've had 2011 mba 13 inch has served me faithfully past 4 years now. never had 1 issue it. i've upgraded yosemite, few of new features not supported now. not huge deal. i've seen speed issues , spinning beachball lot more though. battery on mba starting degrade substantially. "service battery" on, , max of 2.5 hours of general use before having charge again, i'm going have swap battery. i'm thinking of retiring mba despite still being pretty quick tasks throw @ 2015 rmbp 13. or should replace mba battery? use cases general web surfing, light productivity work, etc. macbook not gaming machine so, have desktop that, "gaming" performance doesn't concern me. 4 years seems pretty considering how use has. don't want put money if doesn't go 2-3. general thoughts?   it'll go 2-3 if continue doing computer. i'd it's

Citations in pages

is there way citations in pages free without having buy endnote?   at risk of sounding smart-ass: them hand did in 2005? you'd paying thing saves time , effort, not thing absolutely mandatory accomplish task in first place.   Forums Macs macOS OS X Yosemite (10.10) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

New Powerbook

i'm absolutely thrilled bits this! after bemoaning how ppc prices getting ridiculous now, managed score £50. it's 667mhz model (alas not dvi version), 1 gb ram, airport, dvd , best of all, new battery plus unopened spare still in it's wrapper! there's little paint missing no cracks , hinges intact. hard drive stock original , sounds bit creaky i'm fine that. i've installed os 9.2.2 moment...i may fit in tiger @ point. photos if you're interested:   attached files: 1.jpg file size: 165.8 kb views: 30 2.jpg file size: 206.6 kb views: 27 3.jpg file size: 156.4 kb views: 27

Men: 38mm or 42mm

which size going choose after seeing dimensions of faces/bands today? please feel free post wrist size face size chose. more information better.   38mm me.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Considering a second Airport Extreme but need advice

i've got virgin tv, broadband , phone. fibre comes house tv i've got newest ae connected virgin shi*tty (ahem, super) hub. super hub purely delivers broadband ae. ae i've got hdd connected usb , 3 ethernet cables going tv, xbox & bluray. i've got airport express in room connected stereo. i'm in process of switching fibre provider bt coming house front door no near tv. problem is: if move extreme front door cannot connect tv/xbox/br it. (although improve wifi signal upstairs). if bought extreme , connected new fibre, use wifi , have original ae tv connect new 1 (over wifi) , still use ethernet cables , external hdd?   i'd powerline network adapter , run bt modem aebs. make sure put in bridge or gateway mode , shut off wifi.   Forums Macs

Can I link my iP6 to new car stereo only?

i don't want leave bluetooth on , have phone broadcast every bluetooth receiver finds. can link new stereo phone , text capabilities , not have turn bluetooth off when not in car?   your bluetooth won't connect unless "paired" device. also, remember leaving bluetooth on time, when not connected anything, still uses power, , result in less battery life.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Open file from onedrive - Word

hello, how can access file located on onedrive word? don't have option there.   download microsoft onedrive application app store.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone 6 Magpul case work with holster?

i received magpul case iphone 6 , love it. pair holster can on hip. know of holster fits magpul case? have been searching , haven't had luck. thanks, deech   the seidio dilex holster should work. have magpul case on 6 plus , use seidio dilex holster , fits perfectly. works incipio dualpro case. can buy holster direct seidio or combo pack dilex case, can found on amazon @ discounted price.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

FaceTime echo? I can hear EVERYTHING I do. So annoying.

i facetime girlfriend lot , both use our macbooks. have retina mbp 15" , uses year old macbook air. when facetime can hear every single thing echo me. every word , light sounds roommate opening door or across apartment. it's extremely sensitive , extremely annoying. else experience or have fix?? @ first thought volume happens when has on extremely low volume.   advil said: ↑ i facetime girlfriend lot , both use our macbooks. have retina mbp 15" , uses year old macbook air. when facetime can hear every single thing echo me. every word , light sounds roommate opening door or across apartment. it's extremely sensitive , extremely annoying. else experience or have fix?? @ first thought volume happens when has on extremely low volume. click expand... try using earpods on both sides (you , girlfriend).  

How do you cover up filming in horizontal/vertical mode?

hello! me , couple of friends have school project supposed film. now, after started editing it, realise have filmed scenes our camera (an ipad) holding horizontally , holding vertically. whole movie in horizontal mode, unfortunately don't have time re-do of scenes. i'm asking guys is: possible "cover" in way? possible change vertical view horizontal view without making bad? thinking using kind of effect pewdiepie used in flappy bird video. how changes between 3:52 , 4:25. know how done? thanks!   it's not hard deduce what's going on there- same screen image, either live or static screenshot, being blurred , stretched cover background area on either side of portrait video. i'd suggest static image blur, because having same video motion in background distracting main content.  

Dim Screen after iOS update - artifacts, burnt in images

a friend asked me him ipad. said after tried software update (not sure version around time 8.0.2 came out) screen went dim. have finished trying restore ipad latest ios 8.1.3. display still dim. backlight change when adjust brightness slider @ maximum brightness barely possible see on screen. makes me think software related there remnants of previous screen images overlaying current screen. example, when restored ipod, entered dfu mode screen showed "connect itunes" images. after restoring , rebooting there no change dimness "connect itunes" images still showing on top of normal screens. if power off ipad , turn on image still appears if permanently burned lcd. there more previous screen images appearing underneath current screen (e.g., can see system settings window faintly under whatever screen i'm on). know if else has had problem , if required new logic board, new lcd, or if able resolve software tricks.  

Current temperature on watch face not updating

it shows "--º" until watch face sleeps again. else seeing this? i'm @ home on 100mbps wifi connection, less 2 feet iphone. 1 thing have noticed on watch glances , info don't update reliably. it's still early, we'll software update remedy these issues.   i have never had problem, when not connected wifi or network. try watch reset, see if helps.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless sync

i regularly use access , edit , documents (mostly pages , numbers) in cloud. sync between , ios devices works well. macbook on other hand not seem automatically sync. when open documents icloud drive, shows old versions. there way fix or force sync?   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

NAS crashed containing itunes library help

so i've learnt huge lesson. must nas. itunes library located on nas , looking more , more gone . need create new library on mac. point itunes mac or there better process should follow. fyi apps stored in default itunes location on mac.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Watching Netflix on Apple Watch?

made click ups truck taking foreveeeeeer!   damn you   Forums Archive Wasteland iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Please recommend a Dropbox text editor

i have iphone 6 plus ios 8.3. have been using version of plaintext (the app) several years ago, , broken in several ways still best thing have found. want text editor can edit plain text files stored in dropbox. ideally, want sync subdirectory of dropbox, not entire folder (plaintext used have feature). needs sync dropbox, other cloud storage services need not apply. thank you.   i use app called notesy purpose (don't mind old screenshot on front page - app's been updated more modern ui). allows select default folder within can navigate subfolders if want, should you. if set default folder / can every folder within dropbox. far can tell syncs folder viewing, whether sync activated manually or automatically. prefer manual sync (there's accessible sync button in lower-left corner of folder view) - i've had issues automatic sync getting "stuck" while on cellular

It will be funny when...

i think it's inevitable uninformed 'apple doomed' journalists release stories lack of lines @ apple retail stores on friday, april 24th. can see headlines now: 'customers uninterested in apple watch'; 'no 1 wants apple watch'   they say, estimated 2.3 million sold!! epic fail!! lol   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Silverlight help new force trackpad macbook

hello i'm not quite sure i'm doing i've never had mac before bought new macbook pro force touch trackpad. trying download silverlight plugin sky go ect. know can download plugin safely. microsoft site isn't working. other plugins or apps ect great helps in advance   maybe's sliverlight download page .   Forums Macs Mac Basics and Help iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Apple Bluetooth mouse has annoying lag

hey guys, picked imac retina came apple bluetooth mouse. thing disconnects , reconnects multiple times day , seems have bit of lag. in fairness i've been using wacom tablet years, pen, , wacom mouse. never noticed lag this. suggestion appreciate it.   do have usb3 peripherals attached mac? known issue usb3 interfere bluetooth signal, i've heard mac mini, don't see why wouldn't effect imac well?   Forums Macs Mac Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Which of these Apple-trademarked names would you pick for OS X 10.11?

​ apple expected announce os x 10.11 @ wwdc 2015 in june. given recent switch california-based names, , know apple has trademarked number of possible names, think os x 10.11 called? full list of known trademarks apple has registered includes redwood, mammoth, california, big sur, pacific, diablo, miramar, rincon, el cap, redtail, condor, grizzly, farallon, tiburon, monterey, skyline, shasta, sierra, mojave, sequoia, ventura, , sonoma.   what - no 'san andreas fault' seems direction  heading !   Forums Macs macOS OS X El Capitan (10.11) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV i

Battery life

what guys think battery life? apple claims 18 hours of mixed use. work out 2 hours day in morning. day goes wake @ 4 monday through friday work out 90-120 mins work , school till around 5 or 6 30 pm wary ill drain battery fast while using nike+ up. on phone required keep screen on while using it. believe case watch well. hoping spotify come watch. guys think through day? think migg after novelty wears off. time power charging bands come market   i think should more concerned long term battery life. considering apple's laptops have reached 1000 charge cycle longevity , watch has not yet been advertised regarding charge cycle can expect 1000 or less. @ charging every single day 365 charges year complete battery failure estimated @ less 3 years. battery life drop 75% end of first year year , half meaning 12 hours of mixed use.  

Apple Watch and Pebble Comparison

i've haven't seen posted (or around internet) yet. still debating between 38 or 42 mm, took pebble comparison picture @ appointment today. comparing 42 mm apple watch ss milanese loop original pebble watch (kickstarter backer!).   ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..........................   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Stick Town RPG (free game) - by Thomas Bizal

hi everyone, latest project, figured fun make own version of game used love playing @ school kid, stick rpg xgen studios. , so, after couple months , hundreds of hours of hard work, present you, stick town rpg (for ios)! app store link preview video (on youtube) review 148apps description experience wonderful life of stick figure! stick town rpg exciting journey through wealth, hardship, fame, crime, relationships, , progression in large stick people town. goal reach net worth of $1,000,000,000 in few days possible. how “win” life stick figure. however, can live life want! don’t let me tell or how win. explore , have fun! there more enough in town keep busy , making money! features - 37 different buildings within town explore, each it's own unique , beneficial activities , mini-gam

FootballNOW - Football News and Live Scores with massive online community

footballnow best app premier league fans. ultimate source live scores, news , videos - join the massive online community of witty, rowdy , banter-loving football fans. live scores & stats follow every match of premier league on footballnow our super-fast live score updates on our innovative match centre. latest news & transfers our news articles updated every few minutes, handpicked various newspapers , websites around world give news need. fan videos, photos & more fan videos , photos streamed direct phone ground along minute-by-minute updates of chants being sung during match. see what's trending look, watch , laugh @ daily videos, photos , memes trending on social media on footballnow. have banter chat others watching match on footballnow's exclusive banter room available on every single match of season. download app: